Le altre lingue: Canada (le aree anglofone) – Robert Hilles

Secondo capitolo della rubrica “Le altre lingue” dedicata al Canada anglofono. Il poeta selezionato da Antonio D’Alfonso è Robert Hilles. Buona lettura. Robert Hilles (2) Robert Hilles won the Governor General’s Award for Poetry for Cantos from a Small Room and his novel, Raising of Voices, won George Bugnet Award. His second novel, A Gradual Ruin, was published by Doubleday Canada. He won the Stephan Stephansson Award for his new and selected book of poems called, Wrapped Within Again. His books have also been shortlisted for The Milton Acorn People’s Poetry Prize, The W.O. Mitchell/City of Calgary Prize, The Stephan Stephansson Award, and The Howard … Continua a leggere Le altre lingue: Canada (le aree anglofone) – Robert Hilles